If you are dropping your children in to school today, forcing a smile through gritted teeth as you send them through the door or up on to the school bus, you are not alone. Easter is a rough one, too much sugar, too many people around, too long out of routine and definitely not enough structure in their day. It’s overwhelming, and by the end of it both you are craving some semblance of normality.
Noah spent most of his last day of school freedom flitting
between meltdowns, brought on by a mixture of tiredness and over stimulation, whilst we tried everything we could to settle him. We’d travelled to a family reunion dinner day before and the long hours in the car coupled with having to sit up at a dinner table for three courses had zapped the last of his patience and energy. By the time we tucked him into bed an hour and a half early, he was simply DONE.
This morning, as I got his school uniform out to dress him, his little face lifted. He knows where he’s going today, and has even brought me his school bag as if to say “I want to go HERE, come on!”. He’s so ready for a bit of normality, and quite frankly I can’t wait for the break!
So this morning as you race back to the car, breathing a sigh of relief that they’re finally under someone else’s care for a few hours, do not feel guilty. You have earned this time, a hot coffee, a whole snack, and some peace.
Meanwhile, if you loved half term (you weirdo), there’s only a couple of weeks until the bank holiday weekend!